8.1 Markers

Added in 0.1.4.

The function path-transform-as-marker rotates, scales and translates a path to one of the ends of another path. This allows to use any path as marker. The example below use 2 strings.

(zpb-ttf:with-font-loader (font "vera.ttf")
  (let ((p1 (create-path :open-polyline))
        (p2 (make-string-path font "START"
                              :size 24 :halign :center :valign :bottom))
        (p3 (make-string-path font "FINISH"
                              :size 24 :halign :center :valign :bottom)))
    (path-reset p1 (make-point 50 50))
    (path-extend p1 (make-bezier-curve (list (make-point 150 100)
                                             (make-point 0 200)
                                             (make-point 50 300)))
                    (make-point 250 200))
    (show-path (stroke-path (dash-path p1 #(10 2)) 2.0)
               (path-transform-as-marker p2 p1 :begin)
               (path-transform-as-marker p3 p1 :end))))



With two paths defined as follow:

(defun make-marker1 ()
  (list (make-circle-path 0 5 5)
        (path-reversed (make-circle-path 0 5 4))
        (make-circle-path 0 5 2)))

(defun make-marker2 ()
  (let ((path (create-path :polygon)))
    (path-extend path (make-arc 10 10) (make-point 5 -5))
    (path-extend path (make-straight-line) (make-point 0 5))
    (path-extend path (make-straight-line) (make-point -5 -5))

used in place of p2 and p3 in the previous examples, produces:


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